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According Sudjana (1989: 30) included in the learning component is "objective, materials, methods and tools as well as assessment of" teaching method teachers use almost nothing remains of it, because these methods bring results in the near future or in a relatively long. The results are said to be felt in the near future seabagi direct impact (Instructional effect) while the results felt in a long time reltif called impact accompanist (nurturant effect) usually bekenaan with attitudes and values. (Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, 2000.194) Types of Learning Methods:


Lecture method is a method that can be said of traditional methods. Because this method has long been used as a means of oral communication between teachers and students in educational interactions.

a. Excess Method Lectures

1) Teachers easily master class.
2) Easy to be implemented.
3) Can be followed by students in large numbers.
4) Teachers easily explained a large amount of lesson material.

b. Disadvantages Methods Lectures

1) The teaching of a verbal (word meaning).
2) Students are more responsive than the visual side will be lost and students are more responsive to larger auditifnya accept.
3) If it is too long tedious.
4) It is difficult to control the extent of students' learning acquisition.
5) Cause passive students.
Djamarah, Bahri, Syaiful. Teachers and Learners in Educational Interaction, Jakarta: PT Rineka Copyright, 2000.


Experimental method is a method of giving an opportunity to the students individually or in groups, to be trained in performing a process or experiment. With this method the students are expected to fully engage planned experiment, experiment, discover facts, collect data, control variables, and solve the problems they face are real.

a. Excess Experiment Method

1) This method can make students more confidence in the correctness or conclusions based on the experiments themselves rather than simply accept the word teacher or a book;
2) Students are able to develop an attitude to conduct an exploratory study (explore) on science and technology, the attitude required of a scientist, and
3) With this method would nurtured man that can bring new breakthroughs with the invention as a result of the experiments that are expected to benefit the welfare of human life.
b. Disadvantages Methods Experiment
1) Insufficient tools do not lead to any of the students had the opportunity to experiment;
2) If the experiment requires a longer period of time, students should be looking to continue the lessons, as well as
3) This method is more appropriate to present the fields of science and technology.
Djamarah, Bahri, Syaiful. Teachers and Learners in Educational Interaction, Jakarta: PT Rineka Copyright, 2000.


Giving meaning tasks such as teacher asked the students to read, but with the added tasks such as search and read other books as a comparison, or told to observe the person / people after reading the book. Thus, giving the task is a job that must be completed without bound students with the place.
a. Excess Provision Method Task and recitation
1) The knowledge students gain from learning outcome itself will be remembered longer, and
2) Students had the opportunity to foster the development and the courage to take initiative, responsible, and independent.
b. Method of Providing Duty deficiency and recitation
1) Often students commit fraud in which students simply imitate the work of others without be bothered to do it yourself;
2) Sometimes the task was done by someone else without supervision, and
3) It is hard to assign tasks that meet indi ¬ vidual differences.
Djamarah, Bahri, Syaiful. Teachers and Learners in Educational Interaction, Jakarta: PT Rineka Copyright, 2000.


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